Assignment #1: Song Narrative
Write an essay about a song that is meaningful to you. You can select a song hat had a particular impact on you, is connected to a specific memory, or a song that you feel is important to you for any other reason. Although this is a personal essay, be sure to consider the writing conventions, such as the rhetorical situation, we have been covering in class. In your essay, consider your personal relationship with the song and the feelings it brings about for you. You may also want to write about the song’s formal features and lyrics. Your final product should read as a narrative of the ways in which this song has been impactful to you.
Review the assignment carefully, then spend some time considering the questions above. Next, scroll through your Spotify or iTunes library and think about the songs are particularly meaningful to you. After you have selected the song you wish to write about, listen to it a few times carefully, and take some time to free write about the memories you associate with the song as well as the song’s structure and lyrical features. Go with your gut. In this exploratory process, include as much detail as you remember. You can always edit later. Use this preliminary writing as starting point for your final essay.
Your final essay should be 500-750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced). Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Be sure that you submit your essay as either a PDF or Word document. You should submit your final draft through BlackBoard by 8 am, October 18.
Grading Criteria
I will evaluate your essay on the following criteria:
- Organization- Is the structure of your paragraphs intentional? Does your final product read as a cohesive narrative?
- Detail- Does your essay include vibrant details?
- Meaning- Does your narrative uncover the importance of the song to your life?
Please email me if you have any questions!